On-air challenge: I'm going to give you three words starting with "F." You give me another word that could follow each of my three words, and in each case it has to form a compound word OR a familiar two-word phrase.
Example: Full, Flex, Father (four letters starting with T) --> TIME (full-time, flextime, Father Time)
1. Fly, Fifth, Ferris (5, W)
2. Fresh, Flood, Fire (5, W)
3. Fun, Full, Fraternity (5, H)
4. Flash, Focal, Freezing (5, P)
5. Fuel, Firing, Finish (4, L)
6. Feed, Flight, Flea (3, B)
7. Foul, Foot, Fur (4, B)
8. Fig, Fir, Family (4, T)
9. Fat, Fair, Fighting (6, C)
10. Fish, Funnel, Fruit (4, C)
11. First, Free, Farm (4, H)
Last week's challenge: This challenge came from listener Alan Hochbaum of Duluth, Ga. Name a marine animal in two words. Remove two consecutive letters in the name and read the resulting string of letters in order from left to right. You'll name a major American city. What is it?
Challenge answer:Sea Turtle --> Seattle
Winner:Martin Garnar from South Hadley, Mass.
This week's challenge: This week's challenge comes from listener Wesley Davis of Black Mountain, N.C., and when you get the answer it will make you smile. Name an animal and spell it backward. Now name a variety of meat and insert it inside the animal's name that you've spelled backward. A common word will be revealed. What is it?
If you know the answer to next week's challenge, submit it here. Listeners who submit correct answers win a chance to play the on-air puzzle. Important: Include a phone number where we can reach you by Thursday, Dec. 3, at 3 p.m. ET.
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