While the compact among seven western states was groundbreaking for its time, it's currently left the Southwest to grapple with a massive gap between water supply and demand.
A boating and fishing paradise on the Utah-Wyoming line is beginning to feel the effects of the two-decade megadrought gripping the southwestern U.S.
Only 27% of the water used in Utah comes from the Colorado River, with the majority of the state’s water supply coming from other rivers that feed into the Great Salt Lake.
For decades, Las Vegas has relied on wastewater recycling and removing water-guzzling lawns to stretch and conserve its small Colorado River share. But even with proactive management, it could face significant challenges and uncertainties when it comes to future population growth.
One hundred years after the signing of the Colorado River Compact, many Native American tribes still struggle to fully secure rights in river's basin.
Colorado River tributaries serve relatively small portions of northwest and southwest New Mexico. But the basin’s water is essential for the state’s largest city: Albuquerque.
With the river overtaxed, Grand Valley farmers in Colorado now face some of the most urgent questions regarding the future of water in Colorado River and the West.