The Utah State Democratic Hispanic Caucus is launching a statewide, Spanish language media campaign in the run up to this year’s mid-term elections.
The 15-second ad will run on Univision and Telemundo TV stations as well as several local Spanish language radio stations until election day. It features young, college aged Hispanics and Latinos and local Hispanic and Latina elected officials, like State Sen. Luz Robles.
Nate Salazar is the Salt Lake County chairman of the Utah State Hispanic Democratic Caucus.
“The representation that we have as a community isn’t quite necessarily where it should be considering the size of our population here in the state," he says.
He hopes that this unprecedented media campaign will help members of Hispanic and Latino communities dispel some of the myths that exist about voting.
“The strategy would be reaching out, making sure that it’s meaningful and making sure that people really have their voice heard, is probably the number one thing," he says. "And then getting them out to vote, and letting them know they can vote. It really is their right, and if they don’t have the right due to lack of citizenship or residency, they certainly have the right to participate.”
Hispanic and Latino communities continue to be one of the fastest growing minority groups in the state. Because of that, Salazar says he believes that they can have a huge impact on elections, if they can just get people out to vote.