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Alone Together: Halloween Plans

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The coronavirus pandemic has affected every aspect of life, including Halloween celebrations. Some Utahns are sitting out trick or treating, while others modified plans.
Renee Bright

Utah is in midst of a COVID-19 surge as 23 of the state’s 29 counties are in the high transmission level for the virus. Gatherings in these areas are limited to 10 people, and masks are required. But Saturday is Halloween. While some people are deciding to sit out trick or treating altogether, others are modifying their plans.

Mrs. George, Farmington

“I'm [82-years-old] and I have chronic illness. This year we're putting our Halloween candy in those little see-through plastic sandwich bags, tying a ribbon on it and putting a lot of those on the front porch with a little sign that says ‘Happy Halloween. Just take one, please.’”

Mark Walton, Salt Lake City

“We are planning on taking our little girls out trick or treating to a few people close by that we know. And, of course, we're going to wear a mask. Unfortunately, they wouldn't really be part of the costume.”


My boyfriend and I had actually planned to go to a small gathering at a friend's house. And we will no longer be attending as it is no longer a small gathering and it is actually a house party.”

Cassie Slattery, Salt Lake City

Instead of trick or treating, we have purchased some very scary looking games. We'll be decorating cookies and because my kids still definitely want candy, we're going to be setting up a pinata in the backyard for us all to participate in.”

Tim King, Logan

“I was planning on attending the Rocky Horror Picture Show, but I think I'll stay home. A lot of people screaming in close proximity probably isn't the way to go this year.”

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Ross Terrell is the managing editor at KUER.