The Utah chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists recognized KUER for outstanding work in radio journalism and local news coverage, presenting the station with a total of 12 awards for stories and features produced on-air last year. KUER's Judy Fahys took home the honor of Best Radio Reporter of the year, followed by KUER's Andrea Smardon, Whittney Evans and Brian Grimmett receiving 2nd place, 3rd place and honorable mention in the category. KUER News also received 1st place awards for Best Radio Stories in the Multimedia Journalist, Business/Consumer, Education and Personality Profile categories.
Below is a complete list of KUER winners:
Best Radio Reporter:
1st Place - Judy Fahys
2nd Place - Andrea Smardon
3rd Place - Whittney Evans
Honorable Mention - Brian Grimmett
Radio General Feature:
2nd Place - Judy Fahys, "Oil Sands Mine Proceeds Despite Environmental Concerns"
3rd Place - Terry Gildea, "In Salt Lake City, A Boy Scout Troop That Welcomes Gay Parents"
Radio Documentary:
2nd Place - Terry Gildea & Judy Fahys, "Utah's Uncertain Water Future"
Best Use of Sound - Radio:
2nd Place - Brian Grimmett, "Invasive Quagga Mussel Could Cost State Millions"
Radio Multimedia Journalist:
1st Place - Brian Grimmett, "The View From The Gallery"
Radio Business/Consumer:
1st Place - Andrea Smardon, "Local Farm Not Selling Turkeys After Utah Regulators Crack Down"
Radio Education:
1st Place - Whittney Evans, "Native American Education: Can Utah Close the Gap?"
Radio Personality Profile:
1st Place - Whittney Evans, "Utah Constituents Say Rep. Chaffetz Is Qualified To Be House Speaker"
For a full list of award winners, click here.