Although some sticks are made of metal or resin, the majority of drumsticks are turned from a single piece of wood. Most of them come from three tree species: maple, hickory and oak.
Maple is 10% lighter than hickory, so can play a bit faster, but they wear out more quickly. Hickory is a harder, more durable wood, and, since the wood is more resilient, can absorb the shock of a hard-hitting drummer.
Oak is the heaviest wood option and can withstand more intense playing styles.
Aluminum and polyurethane sticks are extremely durable, but wood absorbs vibrations, is more flexible, and so most drummers — including Ringo — prefer the feel of wood.
Drumsticks are lacquered to seal the wood, stabilize the moisture content, and to give the sticks sort of of a sticky, grabby feel. And that’s another tie-in to trees, because one of the ingredients for lacquer, nitrocellulose, is a by-product from the manufacture of wood pulp to paper.
But, back to Ringo. The Zildjian Musical Instrument Company has collaborated with Ringo Starr to create a drumstick made of hickory wood, lacquered with a vibrant purple color. It's imprinted with Ringo's signature and his trademark star.