The Utah House has defeated an attempt to undo the SB54 compromise.
Two years ago lawmakers passed SB54 in attempt to preserve the caucus and convention system from being eliminated by a ballot initiative known as Count My Vote. The bill left the caucus/convention system in place but also created an alternative method to get on a primary ballot through gathering signatures. The law has been contested by the Utah Republican Party ever since, and is now being heard in federal court for the second time.
But rather than wait for a court decision, Republican Rep. Justin Fawson tried to remedy the Utah GOP’s problem with the bill through legislation.
“The compromise as it went into effect two years ago isn’t in effect today," Fawson argued. "So this is our opportunity to correct what I see as a mistake that was made.”
But many legislators disagreed, including Republican Rep. Stephen Handy.
“You know a great man once said, and I think you know how this man was, you shouldn’t change horses in mid-stream," Handy joked. "I just believe that we’ve got to ride this thing out here a little bit longer. At least through an election process, through this cycle, to see what we learn.”
The effort failed by a vote of 42 to 30.