Members of Salt Lake City’s Greek Orthodox parish plan a general meeting later this month, hoping to straighten out some of the issues that have led to a suspension of church services.
The Greek Orthodox hierarchy suspended services two weeks ago at the Holy Trinity cathedral in Salt Lake and Prophet Elias church in Holladay after the parish council imposed a pay cut for its three priests.
An audit report sent to parish members this week says some of the spending from the church’s benevolent funds was improper, going to members of the priests’ families instead of church members or others in need.
But Phil Floor, a former member of the parish council, says that shouldn’t matter.
“These funds are completely outside the church accounting and are separate and apart from stewardship and any other donations," Floor says. "Those who donated to the fund did so with the understanding that disbursal of the funds was at the sole and absolute discretion of the clergy.”
Floor has signed a petition along with hundreds of other parish members urging the council to pay the salaries determined by the church hierarchy and get the priests working again.
The general parish meeting is set for 1 p.m. on Sunday the 25th at Prophet Elias church. In the meantime, members are facing a third weekend with no regular services, and no weddings or baptisms.