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Streaming Problems?

If you're having problems with any of KUER's three live streams, follow the suggestions below to help resolve your issues:

Ad Blockers 
If you have an ad blocker running in your browser, the "All Streams" button at the top of the home page might not appear. Try turning off any extras you have running in your browser and see if that resolves your issue.

Firefox Security Settings
If your Firefox browser has the highest security settings enable, the “All Streams” or “Play” button may not appear. Lowering your security settings or choosing a different browser should resolve this issue. (These direct links should also work in Firefox.)

Direct Links for Browsers or Audio Apps
Most mainstream browsers and third-party apps (Windows Media Player, VLC Player, Apple Music) are able to play our live streams. Click on one of the streaming mp3 links below to open it in a new window.

KUER 90.1, NPR Utah


Classical KUER

Avanza on KUER

To open a stream in an audio app, use the “file” menu (right-click) to navigate to an option that says “copy audio address.” Then, paste one of the above URLs into your third-party app.

If All Else Fails...
Report your issue using the form below, which gives KUER detailed information about your issue. You can also email us or call 801-581-6379, but please provide details about your operating system (Windows, OS X, Android) and browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari).