There’s general consensus between policy makers, elected officials and health care advocates that Medicaid has a big price tag. But what are the actual…
After several years of debate, the Utah legislature has approved a partial Medicaid expansion, but Democratic lawmakers say they’re not done with this…
Democrats are opposing a bill that would extend Medicaid benefits to a limited number of Utahns in poverty. They say it doesn’t go far enough, but the…
A House committee approved a limited Medicaid expansion bill Monday afternoon, but health care advocates around the state are not all unified in…
With just about two weeks left in the legislative session, it’s not clear if anything will get done on expanding Medicaid this year.It’s been three years…
A Democratic lawmaker is working on legislation that would allow Utah voters to weigh in on expanding Medicaid in the state.After years of debate but no…
As another Utah legislative session gets underway, the question remains whether lawmakers will expand Medicaid.Democratic Senator Gene Davis doesn’t care…
The latest proposal to expand Medicaid in Utah was overwhelmingly rejected by Republicans in the House of Representatives this week, but lawmakers may…
The latest compromise plan to expand Medicaid appears to be dead. House Republicans rejected the proposal in a closed door caucus meeting Tuesday…
A new film about the healthcare coverage gap in Utah is screening at the University of Utah college of law Tuesday night. It’s called Donut Hole.Filmmaker…
A coalition of Utah progressives, religious leaders, and advocates for the poor launched a campaign Wednesday to demand action on the healthcare coverage…
Utah Governor Gary Herbert and Republican legislative leaders said they were optimistic Wednesday after leaving a meeting in Washington with federal…