Leavitt Partners and the Brookings Institution are joining forces to form what they say is the largest accountable care collaborative in the world. The…
Governor Gary Herbert officially unveiled his plan Thursday to close the coverage gap and help low income Utahns get health insurance under the federal…
Some people might think of November as the beginning of the holiday season, but for those involved in the health insurance field – it’s the beginning of…
Governor Gary Herbert has concluded negotiations with the Obama administration on his Healthy Utah Plan, but that doesn’t mean it will necessarily take…
A new report shows Utah ranks among the worst states in the nation for access and affordability to health care. The Commonwealth Fund, a non-profit,…
US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack is encouraging rural Utahns to sign up for health insurance before the federal deadline on Monday. Secretary…
The Affordable Care Act is in effect across the country, but some Utahns are finding that they still don’t have any options for health insurance. As part…
A state legislative committee has decided not to consider a full Medicaid expansion as defined by the federal Affordable Care Act. Instead, the Health…
More than 4000 Utahns have been stalled in their efforts to get health insurance because federal and state computer systems are not yet able to…