“El Camino Latino,” from advocacy group Defiende Nuestra Tierra, is a map of public lands in the Roaring Fork and Colorado River valleys. It has information on recreation in both English and Spanish, with the hopes of making the outdoors more accessible for everyone.
El Camino Latino”, realizado por el grupo de apoyo Defiende Nuestra Tierra, es un mapa de las tierras públicas en los valles de Roaring Fork y del río Colorado. Contiene información sobre actividades recreativas tanto en inglés como en español, con miras a hacer la vida al aire libre más accesible para todas las personas.
Over 5,000 people in the western United States participated in the study.
A partir del 1 de abril, el Departamento de Servicios Laborales de Utah cambió su definición de “empleo” para permitir que algunas familias indocumentadas puedan solicitar subsidios para el cuidado de sus niños.
As of April 1, the Utah Department of Workforce Services changed its definition of “employment” to allow some undocumented families to apply for childcare subsidies.
Defensores de la comunidad e inmigrantes se dirigieron al Capitolio del Estado de Utah para instar a los legisladores del Congreso de Utah a crear y apoyar vías hacia la ciudadanía.
With the 2020 U.S. Census one year away, state officials are planning strategies to get more Utahns to participate. Some Utah counties are considered hard…
Community leaders on both sides of the aisle came together Tuesday morning to stress the positive impact immigrants have on Utah’s economy. The press…
A neglected Salt Lake County park in a neighborhood with many refugee and immigrant families has been completely overhauled.This is one of the most dense…
In response to an increasing desire to help refugees, Provo City is hosting an information night. In late March, leaders from the Church of Jesus Christ…
A Utah ICE operation ending Friday has resulted in the arrest of 82 foreign nationals.The arrests were made in 22 Utah cities over a 7-day period.…
Immigrant advocates held a demonstration at Temple Square in Salt Lake City Monday. Sightings of federal immigration officials sparked fears that the…