GOP leaders have derided recent decisions as the work of activist judges or “policymaking from the bench.” That has some in the supermajority toying with the idea of judicial reform.
The court reaffirmed the power of people to “alter or reform the government through an initiative.” It does not change the current maps, but rather returns the case to a lower court for arguments.
Lawmakers like Republican Karriane Lisonbee believe Utah’s “trigger law” will be upheld as constitutional “and we want that decision made.”
The plaintiffs argue the Utah lawmakers went too far. But the defendants claim the Legislature has equal power as the people.
The lawsuit is the first of its kind to face the Utah Supreme Court.
Two Democratic female lawmakers lost their Salt Lake Valley races to male Republicans.
The new District 36 lost Kearns, a city that votes more Democratic, and gained West Jordan, which steers Republican.
The latest Utah news for Thursday evening, Mar. 17, 2022.
The latest Utah news for Wednesday morning, Feb. 23, 2022.
The latest Utah news from Wednesday morning, Dec. 22, 2021.
Here’s a timeline of the major news stories that happened in Utah throughout 2021.
The latest Utah news from Friday evening, Nov. 12, 2021