For the first time, researchers are getting a clear picture of how snowflakes fall through the winter wind, thanks to new technology developed and tested in Utah.
The latest Utah news from Friday morning, Oct. 15, 2021
An organization called ‘500 Women Scientists’ got its start in the Mountain West. Now, it has gone global with a database of experts who are also women....
What we know about air pollution and health has roots in the mountain valleys of Utah. Winter smog episodes here are legendary.“The pollution would be so…
Democrats on Capitol Hill are calling for an investigation into the National Park Service, pointing to a report they say follows a "pattern" of...
Dan Chure had just wrapped up a career at Dinosaur National Monument last summer. He’d worked there nearly 40 years.“I'm not leaving because there's…
Materials scientists at the University of Utah are developing new feminine hygiene pads that solve some pressing, practical problems.Jeff Bates, an…
Saturday was Earth Day and Utahns joined the March for Science taking place at more than 600 locations worldwide. They celebrated science at five Utah…
“My sign is a very pun-y sign that says ‘cell – c-e-l-l – e-brate science’,” she says, crafting her message with multi-colored markers and representations…
Eleven-year-old Hannah Bradshaw wasn’t even going to attend last week’s forum with Rep. Jason Chaffetz, but as her mom was leaving she thought, ‘Why not?’…
The state school board has approved a new set of science standards for Utah middle-schoolers. They emphasize engineering and reflect the latest research…
The Utah Board of Education received a first draft Thursday of the state’s new science education standards for grades 6-8. But they won’t be implemented…