The Lake Powell Pipeline would haul Utah’s last big share of Colorado River water uphill from Lake Powell, bring it halfway across the state and deliver…
Utah's Uncertain Water Future explores Utah's relationship with water -- from the days when pioneers dug canals by hand to a future riddled with deep…
Scott Jones steers a snowmobile into the T.W. Daniel Experimental Forest deep in the mountains above Logan. He’s a soils physicist at Utah State…
Getting water from streams, lakes and reservoirs to homes and businesses is challenging for any city utility. Pipe valves leak. Water mains can break.…
Here at milepost 80 in Enoch on 1-15 state geologists are inspecting a sinkhole on the right of way. They first spotted this jagged crack last year in…
When we turn on our faucets at home we expect water to come rushing out of them on demand. It’s easy not to think about where that water comes from or how…
In a parched corner of the nation's second driest state, the Virgin River delivers life-giving water to wildlife, farms and increasing numbers of…
Citizens for Dixie’s Future says Washington and Kane counties can conserve enough water to avert the need for the costly Lake Powell Pipeline. Instead,…
The Salt Lake Chamber announced its Water is Your Business program in the summer of 2014. The idea is to educate and motivate Utah's politically powerful…
The Utah Division of Water Resources was tapped by the state Legislature in 2006 to pursue the Lake Powell Pipeline, and an application is due to the…
The Washington County Water Conservancy District would take over the Lake Powell Pipeline once the state Division of Water Resources finances and builds…
The Utah Foundation's published an in-depth overview of Utah's water situation last fall, "Flowing Toward 2050." It includes data on the fees water…