Bill Requiring In-Person Voting And Allowing Outdoor Polling Locations Headed To Gov. Herbert's DeskThe Utah Legislature approved a bill Thursday to require counties to hold in-person voting this November, which could include outdoor polling locations.…
The Utah State Legislature is meeting in a special session Thursday to plan for the 2020 General Election, modify the budget, and discuss changes to the…
The Utah State Legislature is considering a bill this week to allow the deputy director of the state’s Department of Health to have minimal experience in…
The Utah state constitution was ratified in 1895, nearly three decades after slavery was abolished following the Civil War. Yet state lawmakers at the…
Frustrated that the state’s planned inland port is taking so long to get up and running, a Utah lawmaker and member of the board overseeing its creation…
A new lawsuit is seeking to block legislation approved by lawmakers this week which rewrote a voter-approved ballot measure expanding access to medical…
Dawn Nunn’s teenage son Alex died in August after he suffered a seizure. Nunn told a Utah legislative panel on Monday that Alex, who had autism, may have…
Election season is barely over, but Utah lawmakers are already looking ahead to the 2019 legislative session with an eye toward addressing growth and…
Utah Democrats are cheering pickups in the Legislature that, while nowhere close to a majority, will pad their slim ranks. As of Wednesday morning,…
Utah lawmakers are pushing to capture new revenue after the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling last month allowing states to collect sales taxes from online…
In a rare move, Utah lawmakers on Wednesday overturned two vetoes issued by Gov. Gary Herbert this year. It’s the latest in an ongoing feud between the…
A trio of lawmakers from both parties proposed a bill that would have made Utah the first state in the nation to enact a carbon tax.Sponsoring Rep. Joel…