Speaking at his monthly news conference, Governor Gary Herbert addressed the possible need for stronger gun regulations in the state of Utah and applauded the efforts of young students to raise their voices on the matter.
“Utah has been a very strong supporter of the second amendment," Herbert said. "But that does not mean that there are not parameters put on that second amendment.”
Herbert suggested a few options: background checks, discontinuing the sale of bump stocks — the gun attachment used in the Las Vegas shooting — and lowering the age of gun ownership.
“I’m interested in doing something that actually creates a positive result," Herbert said. "Not just a feel good thing, but something that actually makes a difference.”
Herbert also acknowledged the role that teenage activists are playing.
"They’re getting involved, they’re mobilizing, they’re actually saying, ‘Let our voices be heard,’" Herbert said.
Many teenagers across the country, including Salt Lake City, will be marching this Saturday as part of March For Our Lives, a demonstration to make school safety a priority and end gun violence.