New Documentary Finds Nina Simone 'In Between The Black And White Keys'

This morning during my commute I caught this interview on Morning Edition with NPR's Michele Norris and filmmaker Liz Garbus. In her new documentary What Happened, Miss Simone?, Garbus rounds out what we know about Nina Simone (typically her music) and what we don't know (about the woman who existed "between the white and the black keys of the piano").

There's an interview with Nina in the early 1990s by Ebony magazine, and they say to her, "Do you regret having been involved with the Civil Rights Movement?" — because she was saying that the industry punished her for her involvement. And she says, well, she'd probably do the whole thing over again, but that she does regret it because her music has no relevance anymore. And I think we can see today that she was wrong there. Her music is so relevant.

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