By Doug Fabrizio
Salt Lake City, UT –
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Wolves have been eliminated in Utah for decades. Recently a wolf originally transplanted into Yellowstone was caught in Northern Utah. What does the find mean? Are there more wolves in Utah and is it possible to make a permanent place for them between nature enthusiasts and cattle ranchers?
Guests: Brent Israelsen, Lead Reporter on the Wolf Series in the Salt Lake Tribune.
Jerry Peterson, a sheep rancher with first hand expirence with wolves taking his livestock.
Michael Styler, who is trying to downgrade the status of wolves from "endangered" to "threatened" allowing state management of wolves, and a state fund for compensating damage caused by wolves; the same that is done for cougars and bears.
Susan Laverty, Northwest Field Representative for Defenders of Wildlife, who administers a compensation fund for damage caused by wolves in the Northern Rockies.
Robert Schmidt, a professor at Utah State University who wants Utah to introduce 200 wolves.