Utah’s governor wants to fix political polarization and his latest stop was the TED2024 stage in Canada. But his message likely won’t resonate on a national level this election season.
Republican Sen. Scott Sandall is floating a law to give the Legislature the ability to ignore executive orders and federal regulations.
A joint center by U.S. and Canadian universities hopes to identify ways to protect the region’s power grid from ever more extreme weather.
New research out of Canada shows fumes from diesel-powered vehicles (like the trucks and trains that come through Salt Lake City) could be affecting how brains function.
A Canadian Broadcasting Corporation investigation found that more than $1 billion CAD had been transferred to the church’s three Brigham Young University schools in the United States.
If Vancouver bows out, it would leave Salt Lake City and Sapporo, Japan, as the two remaining candidates.
The International Monarch Monitoring Blitz has begun. It documents migratory monarch butterfly sightings, and now that the butterfly is endangered, it’s more important than ever.