Beneficial fire is an essential part of confronting the wildfire crisis. But for now, there’s not enough people to do the work. A prescribed burn this spring in Central Idaho shows how partnerships can get more workers on the line.
Federal land managers have fallen behind on several of their priority forests in a multi-billion dollar thinning campaign aimed at dead trees and undergrowth.
For thousands of years, the Whitebark Pine has provided a valuable food source for birds and bears throughout the Mountain West. But dwindling numbers...
The sun is just a dim red dot. The nearby Canadian Rockies are shrouded in thick wildfire smoke. Bob Gray knows we probably shouldn’t be hiking up a...
If there's a fee for either a camping site or a day use area on Forest Service land, there's probably some kind of toilet there. But solving the problem...
Portrait photographers working in the region have been getting reminders lately of a federal rule that they need permits to shoot on forest service…
State lawmakers hosted a freewheeling discussion Wednesday on the impact of federal land ownership and policies on Utahns. But their hearing focused…
Recreation fees provide money for campfire talks and other visitor programs that take place on public lands. Utah Congressman Rob Bishop wants to update…