Utah has been out of federal ozone attainment standards since 2015. The director of the Utah Division of Air Quality says current mitigation efforts haven’t been effective.
The Utah Constitutional Sovereignty Act, passed in late January, set up a process for the Legislature to challenge federal laws it believes to be overreach.
The stink in both lakes is caused by hydrogen sulfide, which can pose a threat to humans and ecosystems in high enough concentrations.
Las decisiones tomadas en la década de 1890 “todavía nos impactan hoy”, dice un científico del clima.
Salt Lake City's west side has worse air quality than the east side — for reasons that range from a mistake made in the 1890s and decades of redlining.
The Utah Division of Air Quality has just released the third in a series of studies on the winter ozone problem in the Uintah Basin.One goal of these…