Utah is the youngest state in the country with a median age of 30 years old. So what does the future look like through the eyes of Beehive State millennials? In a series we’re launching this week called “This is 30,” KUER asked voters around the state how they’re feeling ahead of a critical election.
Name: Daniel Crowder
Age: 30
Lives in: Herriman
Occupation: Electrical Technician
Party Affiliation: Unaffiliated
How do you describe yourself politically?
I would consider myself I would say Libertarian but probably most Libertarians wouldn't consider me a Libertarian.
What makes you say that?
I would say my undecidedness on some things … I used to be a county delegate for six years in the Republican Party and got very disillusioned when you see the inside. And I realized, I think I'm going to make much more of a difference espousing my views in arenas where people are willing to actually have a discussion.
Top concerns this election cycle?
The national debt because no matter who's in charge we just can't seem to stop spending. In order to spend, seems like we are 100 percent borrowing money and just paying on the interest. And you know it's not smart for a normal person to just operate on credit cards and then keep their creditors happy by paying on the interest but we that's what we seem to be doing. [And] gun control because there are two super polar opposites to the issue. And there you know there's got to be some solution that is a win for everybody. I tend to be on the more pro-second amendment side, but that doesn't mean I don't see anybody else's argument.
You live in the competitive 4th Congressional District, who will you be voting for this year?
I was actually leaning towards towards Ben McAdams ... mostly for the fact that I think we need a change — I don't necessarily agree with his policies. But at this point … I think it's probably will be the first time I vote none of the above in that race. They don't seem to want to get on to speaking about actual policy. They want to argue about everything that their opponent has done. I don't have a good idea what they would actually do.
You said you’re pessimistic about the country’s future? Why?
Number one: the national debt. And number two: all of our foreign military entanglements those things have historically, back to ancient times, had a civilization-wide effect. Like you look at all the Greek and Roman cultures that spread far beyond where they should have militarily and economically. And we need to focus on ourselves. We can't afford to be the world police. We need to focus on providing Americans the freedom to not just get by, but the freedom to succeed and excel. And we don't do that.
We spend hundreds of billions a year in the Middle East — and the Middle East is the one we just hear about in the news. We are counted on to defend the entirety of Europe from Russia. ... We are all over the Pacific Rim. I mean. We're just everywhere.
Do you think this midterm election is important for people in your generation? Why or why not?
Honestly, because I'm more of a pessimist than a lot of people that you might talk to, I really feel like it's going to be a lot of the same. We’re going to see, is it going to be a blue wave, is it going to be a red wave? Honestly, it doesn't matter to me because it looks the same no matter which way I look at it.
But it's going to be historical because 10, 20, 30 years from now in order to gauge the Trump presidency people are going to use the election as a bellwether. That's just the way history seems to work.