Andrew Christiansen
KUER Legislative News Intern-
In four years, the Kilby Block party in Salt Lake City has exploded into a huge music festival that has electrified the local music scene.
Utah’s higher ed schools have seen record freshman classes recently and the wave of college-age Utahns is only part of the story.
About 50 young people gathered for a climate strike at the Utah Capitol on March 3 to voice frustrations with the lack of climate legislation this past session and call for change.
Will lawmakers bless Utah with a new state flag before the session ends on March 3? The clock is ticking.
While Utah’s Department of Health and Human Services has apologized, researchers and advocates think state leaders should step up too.
The six-wheeled bots know their own way around campus and hardly ever get stuck.
Supporters say protections enshrined into state law are important to preserving Indigenous culture for future generations.