Democratic State Senator Jim Dabakis will likely challenge Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker for his seat in November.
Should Dabakis file for candidacy, he would be joining two other Democrats in challenging the two-term mayor: District 4 Councilman Luke Garrott and former state representative Jacki Biskupski.
“I just have a great vision for our city,” Dabakis says. “I’m ready to devote 24/7 and bring some energy and bring some vitality.”
Becker’s challengers have criticized the mayor’s frequent trips to Washington D.C., pursuing federal dollars and representing the city in multiple capacities. Dabakis says, as mayor he would use that time bringing jobs to Salt Lake City.
“If I were taking the red eye, it would be to New York or it would be to Los Angeles, and it would be outside the HR director’s office telling them why they ought to be bringing 5 or 6 or 700 good-paying, quality jobs to Salt Lake,” Dabakis says.
Dabakis is also worried about the deteriorated condition of the State Fairpark. He argues Mayor Becker could have worked harder to secure the failed deal to build a minor league soccer stadium there.
“It’s an embarrassment,” Dabakis says, “and it not only drags down the Fairpark grounds but that entire west side of Salt Lake. This is an area that is crying for attention.”
Dabakis adds taking on a 3rd term incumbent will require substantial funding, which he says he can match.
The deadline to file for candidacy is in June.