Andrea Smardon
Andrea Smardon is new at KUER, but she has worked in public broadcasting for more than a decade. Most recently, she worked as a reporter and news announcer for WGBH radio. While in Boston, she produced stories for Morning Edition, Marketplace Money, and The World. Her print work was published in The Boston Globe and Boston.com. Prior to that, she worked at Seattleââ
Picture this: People are gathered around in the living room talking about politics. Or religion. You know, the big stuff that it seems like nobody agrees…
It’s become an all too familiar story: a conservative firebrand is invited to speak at a college campus known for embracing free speech and contrasting…
Common beliefs are what hold many groups together. So it’s no surprise that differing viewpoints within a group often cause fear or threaten the status…
There’s a place where we all start to figure out which tribes we belong to. The decisions we make there feel like life or death. And, in a way, it is —…
We’ve covered how tribalism is wreaking havoc in our lives, but tribes are also a source of strength. They’re how humans have organized themselves to…
People on the left and right may disagree on many things, but they generally agree that tribalism is bad for our country. This episode looks at how we are…
Maybe you’ve heard that we are a divided country. Maybe you experience it in your life. Over the course of six episodes, Next Door Strangers is going to…
The founders of the new center, in Provo, Utah, hope its presence can help bridge a divide between the church and the LGBT community.
A comedy troupe is coming to Salt Lake City, and all four members have Asperger’s syndrome, a form of autism.They’re called Asperger’s Are Us. When I…
An Ogden man serving a life sentence on drug-related charges was granted clemency Wednesday by President Obama. The former judge who sentenced him is…
Many of the US athletes arriving in Rio are not only participating in the Olympic games, they’re taking part in a research study about the Zika virus. A…
A state lawmaker is working on new legislation to curb pain pill addiction in Utah. This one starts at the doctor’s office.Republican Representative…