Governor Gary Herbert shifted much of the blame for Utah’s Medicaid expansion stalemate on inherent flaws in the Affordable Care Act. At his monthly news…
A new analysis of Medicaid expansion proposals released Tuesday morning finds that Utah Governor Gary Herbert’s plan is the best deal for the state, but…
Eighty-six thousand poor and middle-class Utahns can keep the tax subsidies they receive from the federal government to help them afford health insurance.…
Republican state lawmakers have committed to come up with an agreement to close the health insurance coverage gap for the poor in Utah this year. But…
The Utah legislative session ended with no solution to the healthcare coverage gap, but Governor Gary Herbert and GOP state lawmakers say they have a…
Those in favor of the Governor’s Healthy Utah Plan have not admitted defeat, even though the bill supporting that plan was voted down by a House committee…
In a major pivot for Utah House leadership, two Medicaid expansion plans will go before a House Committee as lawmakers approach the final week of the…
It only took 5 weeks, but the legislature has turned it up to 11 and has started to move through some important legislation at break neck speeds.End SAGE…
A partial Medicaid expansion plan that would provide healthcare coverage to Utah’s most vulnerable population failed to pass the senate floor on…
Governor Gary Herbert says he’s still holding out hope that his amended Healthy Utah plan will be considered by the state House of Representatives, even…
A bill modeled after Utah Governor Gary Herbert’s Medicaid expansion plan “Healthy Utah” passed the full Senate Wednesday. But the bill might be stalled…
It’s the end of week three and we’re basically in the same spot we were at the end of week two.Senate Medicaid PlansDuring the few times the Senate isn’t…