The community-backed plan to turn the Rio Grande Depot back into a train station isn’t mentioned in newly released plans to redevelop the surrounding area.
Members of the Salt Lake City Council held a community conversation about the issue of homelessness on Oct. 2.
Catholic Community Services wants to expand homeless services at its Weigand Resource Center after coming to an agreement with businesses and residents in The Gateway area.
Experts and organization leaders gathered this week to talk about homeless services at the 14th annual Homelessness Summit in downtown Salt Lake. One of…
A statewide effort to address crime in Salt Lake City’s Rio Grande neighborhood began Monday. “Operation Rio Grande” has three phases that start with…
Following a string of violent incidents near the Road Home Shelter, including two homicides in two days, state and local leaders met to discuss…
Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams wants to move the downtown liquor store. He hopes it will reduce the flow of alcohol into the troubled Rio Grande…
While some are praising Utah’s new needle exchange program, which operates primarily in Salt Lake County, officials in other parts of the state are…
Local law enforcement executed a second round of targeted arrests in Salt Lake City’s Rio Grande neighborhood today. As with the previous roundup, many of…
The Salt Lake City council plans to set aside roughly half a million dollars to address pressing homeless issues in the Rio Grande neighborhood.Salt Lake…
Salt Lake City’s new police chief has unveiled a new strategy to deal with public safety issues in the Rio Grande area of downtown.Salt Lake City Police…