Human-started fires in 2024 have already surpassed Utah's total for all of last year. With months of dangerous conditions remaining and another firework holiday looming, fire officials are on alert.
As insurance companies re-evaluate risk, they’re increasing premiums or refusing renewals for parts of Salt Lake City where residents might not think of themselves as living in a high wildfire risk area.
The latest outlook from the National Interagency Fire Center predicts above-normal potential for significant fires in southwest and northwest Utah this summer.
Researchers hope the study can help fire managers better understand when it's safe to let fires burn as part of the natural cycle.
Of the 26 wildfires that started over the weekend, all but three of them were human-caused. There are five still burning.
Fires are monitored after they’re contained, but hot spots can spread when there’s high wind and temperatures, as well as low humidity.
People are the leading cause of fires in Utah. Currently, the biggest concern for officials is campfires.
Gov. Cox addressed reporters while recovering from COVID-19. He said his symptoms were mostly mild and he didn’t take any antivirals to treat his infection.
Vegetation across Utah is extremely dry, and fire officials are preparing for another busy year. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about wildfires.
The latest Utah news for Wednesday morning, April 13, 2022
The latest Utah news for Wednesday morning, April 6, 2022
The latest Utah news from Tuesday morning, Jan. 25, 2022