Utah is often praised for its ability to weather economic storms that can hit other parts of the country much harder. But it hasn’t been able to protect…
JACKSON, Wyo. — In this corner of the Cowboy State, where homes start at $1 million, it may appear Teton County Sheriff Matt Carr made out like a…
HEBER CITY — Tucked below the jagged, snowy Wasatch range 20 miles south of Park City, the Heber Valley looks like a miniature Switzerland. Dairy cows…
MOAB — After a recent 12-hour nursing shift at the local hospital, Ryan Huels took stock of his tidy home just south of this high desert town.There’s a…
Developers are struggling to build enough houses and apartments to keep up with the population boom in the Mountain West, according to new U.S. Census…
For a third year in a row, efforts to fund the state’s affordable housing dearth once again fell short during the 2019 legislative session, as lawmakers…
Utah grew by more than 52,660 people in 2018, even as births and migration slowed, according to new estimates from the Utah Population Committee.“The…