The House has voted down a bill that would have made State School Board elections partisan.
SB104 had already passed out of the Senate and only needed approval from the House to be sent to the Governor’s desk. Its sponsor, Rep. Keven Stratton, argued that this bill would fix the disconnect that exists between people running for state school board and the people that elect them.
“SB104 goes to the heart of providing clarity to the voter and the process, transparency to the one being voted for, and accountability to the one that’s casting the vote,” he said.
But the idea that partisan politics doesn’t mix well with education ultimately prevailed. Rep. Marie Poulson, who is a teacher, was one of many people who argued against the bill.
“Do we want them to be accountable to lobbyists and delegates, or do we want them to be accountable to parents and educators and children,” she said.
Even though the House defeated this bill, the issue is far from over. The House passed a separate bill that would make state school board elections non-partisan earlier in the week. While the Senate passed yet another bill that would give the Governor power to appoint State School Board members.