Utah has been in the midst of a COVID-19 surge, though new cases over the past four days have decreased just in time for Thanksgiving. But some Utahns are still heeding the advice of medical professionals for the holiday.
While the governor’s order banning social gatherings with people outside your household have expired, state and healthcare officials are still urging people to celebrate the holiday with just the people they live with.
Shayne Scott, Kaysville
“For the first time since my LDS mission, I won't be eating my mother's homemade dressing this year as I've chosen to stay home with my daughters in our own household.”
Chelsea Slade, Ogden
Slade works as a hospitalist physician and said her plans are influenced by what she sees on the job.
“This year, I don’t think we’re gonna do Thanksgiving. We’ll have a nice dinner at my house. My dad and brother live next door to us and we’ll drop them off a plate of food. But just working in the hospital with [COVID-19] patients everyday and seeing the numbers and the deaths, I just don’t think it’s worth the risk.”
Utah set a single day death record Wednesday, with health officials announcing 26 more people died from the disease.
Holly Hansen
Hansen said she will be getting out of the state for part of her holiday plans.
“I’m headed to Red Rocks in Nevada, to hike around, climb and camp with my son. And come back [to Utah] and ski Thursday. Then we’re going to have dinner with our neighbors. We’re kind of a pod, we spend a lot of time together.”