The Salt Lake County Council passed a resolution Tuesday condemning President Donald Trump’s executive order banning refugees from entering the U.S. and halting travel to the U.S. from certain Muslim-majority nations.
Salt Lake County Councilman Arlyn Bradshaw read the resolution, which calls on the federal government to rescind the president’s executive order and affirms support for refugees in Salt Lake County.
“And be it further resolved that the Salt Lake County Council, while recognizing America’s right to protect our national security opposes any executive or other action that seeks to foment fear and xenophobia in the name of national security,” the resolution reads.
Bradshaw said almost all of the funding the county spends on the refugee community are federal dollars so it’s important the county let the federal government know where it stands on issues related to immigration and refugee resettlement.”
Ze Min Xiao is the county’s refugee liaison. She says 60 percent of refugees coming to the U.S. are family unification cases-meaning they already have families here.
“And what we’re hearing from our refugee community here is that they’re afraid,” Xiao said. “They don’t know how they’re going to do. We’re talking about husbands and wives and children that won’t be able to reunite with they’re family.
Councilmembers Aimee Winder Newton and Steve DeBry voted against the resolution. They took issue with the county getting involved in federal issues.