Ricky Hatch and Tina Cannon are the two candidates in the Republican primary to become the next Utah State Auditor.
Grantsville and Tooele county officials are celebrating the tax revenue and jobs they expect from two new Utah Inland Port Authority projects, but residents remain unsure.
A recent report from activists says nearly 53,000 acres of wetlands in the Great Salt Lake Basin could be at risk if the Inland Port and its satellites are developed as planned.
The Utah Department of Transportation plans to expand I-15 between Farmington and Salt Lake City, in part to accommodate trucks. The Inland Port’s new vision is for more trains.
The Verk Industrial Park will be around 2,200 acres on the west side of the city.
Warehouse automation could change the logistics workforce while underdeveloped trucking technology could mean more polluting trucks in the Inland Port for the near future.
The idea is to cut back on trucks and embrace rail shipping. But dwindling West Coast imports and stiff big city competition make Inland Port success unlikely.
The Utah Inland Port Authority is looking at creating “satellite ports” statewide, including in Spanish Fork.
After the state legislature passed a bill that changed the makeup of the Inland Port Authority, new board members meet for the first time.
The latest Utah news for Tuesday evening, April 12, 2022
The latest Utah news for Tuesday morning, Mar. 22, 2022.
The latest Utah news for Thursday morning, Mar. 3, 2022.