Abravanel Hall no longer faces an uncertain future as Salt Lake City barrels ahead with a new downtown sports and entertainment district. Instead, it will be renovated, and the Utah Symphony likes the sound of that.
As city and county leaders ponder Salt Lake’s future as a hub for arts, culture, sports and entertainment, lovers of the Utah Symphony say keeping Abravanel Hall in its present form is well worth the hefty price tag.
“Rhapsody in Blue” turns 100 next year, so pianist Jeffery Biegel commissioned “Rhapsody in Red, White & Blue” — a new composition that tips the hat to Gershwin while reflecting on the America of today.
The nearly century-old ethereal instrument is the innovation of French cellist and telegraph operator Maurice Martenot. Ondist Augustin Viard brought the rare instrument to Salt Lake City to perform with the Utah Symphony.
A team at the University of Utah led by scientists Tony Saad and James Sutherland recently completed a study of Abravanel Hall’s air flow to help identify risk for musicians in the Utah Symphony.
This summer the Utah Symphony will perform free concerts in state and national parks around the state. The symphony’s August 29-September 2 tour will…
Utah Sypmony | Utah Opera President and CEO Melia Tourangeau is leaving to take over the same role at the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.Melia Tourangeu…
This weekend the Utah Symphony will perform and record the world premiere of music it commissioned to celebrate its seventy-fifth anniversary.Augusta Read…
The Utah Symphony and Opera announced a promotion Monday intended to bring ski tourists to their concerts. A quartet of symphony musicians dons ski boots,…
The Utah Symphony’s tour of Utah’s five national parks begins tonight with a chamber concert in Teasdale, just outside Capitol Reef National Park. The…
The Utah Symphony and Opera will be taking their show on the road this summer, pairing live classical music with Utah’s natural landscape. In a new…