Week six of the Utah Legislature was full of lawmakers making curious decisions. KUER’s Brian Grimmett has the recap in this week’s View From the…
Week two of the Utah Legislature is coming to a close and lawmakers are slowly starting to get back into the swing of things.Speed TrapsStarting with Sen.…
The legislature ended at midnight last night, and less than 6 hours later I’m on the road to get out of the state as quickly as possible. Coincidence?…
It only took 5 weeks, but the legislature has turned it up to 11 and has started to move through some important legislation at break neck speeds.End SAGE…
Believe it or not, but we’ve made it past the half way mark of the 2015 legislative session. That means the real work can finally begin.Budget NumbersAnd…
It’s the end of week three and we’re basically in the same spot we were at the end of week two.Senate Medicaid PlansDuring the few times the Senate isn’t…
The second week of the Utah Legislature is now in the books, and while it wasn’t as eventful as the first week, it definitely had its moments.Definition…
The 2015 Legislative session has finally arrived, and it’s already looking like there will be plenty to battle over in the next 45 days.Speaker’s AgendaTo…