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KUER's Fall 2020 Fund Drive Results

Thanks to your generous support, we had a fantastic fall fund drive! We heard from 2,846 donors over the past week, who helped us exceed our goal of $375,000 — raising a total of $392,000 as of Friday evening, October 9. Your support will also be providing 42,672 meals to the Utah Food Bank for Utahns facing food insecurity.

If you haven't yet made your donation to KUER, it's not too late! You can still make your gift to support our Fall Fund Drive, and if you become a new sustainer or increase your sustaining pledge, we'll send you a bonus gift of our KUER sustainer face mask. View all of our available thank you gifts here.

Special thanks to our challenge grant sponsors:

George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Foundation
Difiore Family Foundation
Anonymous donor recognized as "the patrons of Mos Eisley Cantina"
Willard L. Eccles Foundation
Molly Hutsinpiller
Jones Waldo Women's Lawyer Group

Thanks to our social good sponsor:
Rocky Mountain Power

KUER is listener-supported public radio. Support this work by making a donation today.