Efforts to minimize homelessness in Utah took another step forward Wednesday with the creation of a new private contribution fund.
In front of shelter for homeless teens that’s still under construction, Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams and Salt Lake City Mayor Jackie Biskupski announced the creation of the Field of Interest Fund.
“This endeavor helps find and fund statewide solutions to address the homeless crisis,” Biskupski said.
McAdams says the fund will help streamline and coordinate funding for homeless services.
“We’re encouraging donors and supporters to make contributions to this fund that then can sub-grant out to different providers in a way that ensures that every dollar that’s spent toward homelessness helps people in need but also helps us to achieve the goals that the system has of minimizing homelessness,” he said.
With the mayors’ announcement, Intermountain Healthcare and Wells Fargo became the first private donors to the fund. Wells Fargo announced a $250,000 donation. Intermountain Healthcare pledged half a million dollars to the cause in December.
Meanwhile, Rep. Francis Gibson, R-Mapleton, is working on legislation on behalf of the city and the county to secure $27 million dollars in state funding for the cause. He says $20 million would be one-time funding to build and update shelters and facilities. The on-going $7 million would support services and housing.