Former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon is reportedly fielding candidates in an effort to unseat Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch and other establishment Republicans.
Fueled by the victory of Roy Moore in Alabama’s special election Republican primary last month, CNN reported Sunday that Bannon has spent the past two weeks adding to his Republican incumbents hit list, which includes Arizona Sen. Jeff Flake and Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada.
Bannon hinted at the plans after Moore declared victory.
“You’re going to see in state after state after state, people that follow the model of Judge Moore that do not need to raise money from the elites, the crony capitalists, from the fat cats in Washington D.C., New York City, Silicon Valley,” he said.
Bannon’s Utah candidate would join a growing field of potential GOP bids for Hatch’s Senate seat. Mitt Romney and Rep. Chris Stewart have both expressed interest in running if Hatch decides to retire.
Hatch’s spokesman Matt Whitlock said in a statement that the seven-term Senator hasn’t made a final decision on whether or not to run again, but if he did, he would win.