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Neighborhoods Hold State Party Caucuses This Week

Image from DonkeyHotey

State Republican and Democratic Party Caucuses are this week. People will gather in neighborhoods across Utah to discuss candidates and issues and to elect their neighborhood delegate. Tuesday is the Democratic Party Caucus. Republicans meet on Thursday. Anna Thompson is the Communications Director for the Democratic Party. She says this is the smallest organizing unit in any election, so it’s very important for everyone to become involved.

“…you’ll select precinct leadership and delegates who represent literally the values of your block, and that’s how our system works best,” says Thompson.

Thompson says this is going to be an interesting mid-term election because people are frustrated with Washington in a way she’s not seen before.

“Whatever side of the aisle you fall in Utah, we get things done.  At the end of the day it may not be as fast as we want, and you know, in our case we’re really frustrated with things like education and air quality that seem like generational issues, but we’ll get it done," says Thompson, "Congress doesn’t seem to be getting it done.”

Thompson says she hopes people take an hour on their Tuesday night and go to their neighborhood caucus. Democratic caucuses are open to any party affiliation. Locations are found at

Andrea Smardon is new at KUER, but she has worked in public broadcasting for more than a decade. Most recently, she worked as a reporter and news announcer for WGBH radio. While in Boston, she produced stories for Morning Edition, Marketplace Money, and The World. Her print work was published in The Boston Globe and Prior to that, she worked at Seattleââ
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