The tight contest for Utah’s 4th Congressional District has been too close to call since election night, and it's now even closer.
Latest results posted Tuesday from Salt Lake, Utah and Sanpete Counties show Republican incumbent Mia Love gaining on Democratic challenger Ben McAdams, who still leads 50.27 percent to Love’s 49.73 percent. McAdams holds a razor-thin margin of only 0.54 percent, or 1,229 votes.

In Utah, the margin for a recount is a quarter of a percent of all votes cast in the race.
The Salt Lake County mayor is in Washington, D.C. this week for new member orientation to the U.S. House of Representatives, his campaign manager Andrew Roberts said.
"The mayor's lead continues to hold and we remain optimistic about the final tally. We will continue watching results as they come in," Roberts said of the updated results.
Love has not yet conceded the race and has previously called for every vote to be counted. Her campaign remained optimistic with the new results.
“The numbers are moving in the right direction and we are diligently watching for additional results,” Dave Hansen, Love’s campaign manager said.
Many counties across the state are still tallying votes and it’s unclear how many ballots are left to be counted. Utah County will release another update later in the week. In addition to its Tuesday afternoon update, Salt Lake County will release another batch of results on Wednesday.
The 4th District also includes portions of Juab County, which did not update results on Tuesday.
County clerks have until Nov. 20 to count ballots. The State Board of Canvassers will finalize election results on Nov. 26.