The incumbent told supporters on election night that the results show voters want a city government that “prioritizes results over politics.”
Las elecciones a la alcaldía de Salt Lake City de 2023 se disputan entre la actual alcaldesa Erin Mendenhall, el exalcalde Rocky Anderson y el activista independiente Michael Valentine.
The 2023 Salt Lake City mayoral election is a ranked choice voting contest between incumbent Mayor Erin Mendenhall, ex-Mayor Rocky Anderson and independent/activist Michael Valentine.
Mayor Erin Mendenhall, former mayor Rocky Anderson and Michael Valentine are all vying for the top office in Utah’s capital city.
KUER, The Salt Lake Tribune y PBS Utah organizarán un debate entre la alcaldesa actual Erin Mendenhall, el ex alcalde Rocky Anderson y Michael Valentine el 4 de octubre a las 6 p.m.
KUER, The Salt Lake Tribune and PBS Utah hosted the debate between incumbent Erin Mendenhall, ex-Mayor Rocky Anderson and Michael Valentine.