Retzlaff, a junior college transfer, has earned a hero’s embrace by rabbis and others in Provo while also becoming a favorite of the large fan base that lovingly calls him the “BYJew.”
Utah’s move from the Pac-12 to the Big 12 brought a reunion with BYU after 13 years apart. It also reinvigorated one of the nation’s fiercest rivalries, one that encompasses many sports.
The candidates seeking to represent Utah's 3nd Congressional District — Republican state Sen. Mike Kennedy and Democrat Glenn Wright — will face off on Oct. 17, 2024, at 6 p.m. in a debate organized by the Utah Debate Commission.
Jake Retzlaff is the first Jewish starting quarterback for BYU and he has helped the No. 17 Cougars race out to a 5-0 start.
Recent reports show that many Utahns are concerned about affording essential items like food and health care, but most measures point toward a thriving Utah economy.
Everyday Utahns KUER spoke with commonly thought the amendment uplifted voters based on the ballot language. That changed later on, though.
The operational limits and donated 200,00 acre-feet of water won’t cure the lake, but conservationists say it’s a big step in the right direction.
Many Utah women say The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’ ‘best practices’ when it comes to gender are holding them back.
Lyman has made quite the splash in the last week in Utah politics. In an interview with KUER, he said he has “loyal grassroots followers” who are “passionate” about pushing a write-in campaign for governor.
A new research paper from Utah State University and BYU found that religiosity can improve body image, but it can also be detrimental. Here’s why.
Everyone deals with the heat a little differently. Here’s how it works.
The announcement doesn’t set a timeline for when the new school will open. However, it stressed that the school will have an international focus.